Rainbows Not As Gay

Seeing rainbows or halos around light indicates a problem with how light is filtering into the eye

A rainbow is not located at a specific distance from the observer, but comes from an optical illusion caused by any water droplets viewed from a …

Phoenix Pride is the proud producer of the “Arizona’s Greatest Street Fair”, the Rainbows Festival. The annual Rainbows Festival & Street Fair is a celebration of the diversity of the LGBTQ community.

Last week, Pierson, her husband, Jeff, their son, Tyler, and grands Logan and Scarlett traveled first to Akron ren’s Hospital to deliver 500 rocks and then to Rainbow with a laundry basket full of rainbows for the patients there.

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Revealed: Why you sometimes see the most spectacular rainbows in a slice of beef. USDA sought to set the record straight about the integrity of rainbow beef

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Double Rainbow is a homemade video uploaded by YouTube user Hungrybear9562 in which he declares feelings of awe and wonder after witnessing a rare “double rainbow” in Yosemite National Park.

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It’s not all rainbows and butterflies, you know. Or rainbows and unicorns. Or butterflies and unicorns. But when it comes to referring to impossibly perfect conditions where everyone’s happy and nothing goes wrong, we’re living in a golden age of RBUs. Rainbows and butterflies came together first

Rumors have long circulated that Ernie and Bert are a gay couple as seen on Sesame Street. Sesame Workshop disavows these rumors and points out that Ernie and Bert are puppets, not humans; the Workshop’s official position, therefore, is that Muppet characters Ernie and Bert are simply good

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Aug 18, 2011 · Earlier today I posted about a ginormous blob of gas 80% of the way across the Universe that’s emitting polarized light, and how that’s a dead giveaway it has galaxies embedded inside it. The fact that the light was polarized helped solved a ten-year-old mystery about what’s lighting it and

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The rainbow, a natural phenomenon noted for its design and its place in the sky, has been a favorite component of art and religion throughout history.